Brusol on TV (©LN24)

Solar panels

BRUSSELS, 15/09/2021 -LN24 ran a report on Brusol (Mobility) yesterday.

Since the summer of 2018, Brusol has been installing free solar panels for more than 3,500 Brussels households and SMEs. Since 2020, Brusol has also been selling 100% green, 100% Brussels energy, but along with its move to a new headquarters in Jette, Brusol is now also launching itself into electric mobility. In the coming months, it will install a thousand charging stations in the Brussels Region, customers will be able to drive electric shared cars for free, and all Brussels residents will be able to participate in the energy transition via crowdlending. The fast chargers installed by Brusol at its headquarters - the two fastest charging stations in the Region - charge cars in less than ten minutes. Deputy Prime Minister Vincent Van Peteghem, Brussels Finance Minister Sven Gatz and State Secretary Barbara Trachte kicked things off this afternoon.

Do you also want to enjoy free solar panels and contribute to a greener Brussels? Sign up here.

Watch the report here: